Installation instructions-------------------------Installing using the plugin tar.gz: o Unpack the plugin tar.gz and copy the files to the appropriate location. o Save the plugin tar.gz locally and note the location the file was saved to. o Launch terminal and change directories to the location the file was saved to. o Unpack the tar.gz file. Once unpacked you will see the following: + + /usr o Identify the location of the browser plugins directory, based on your Linux distribution and Firefox version o Copy to the appropriate browser plugins directory. At the prompt type: + cp libflashlayer.soo Copy the Flash Player Local Settings configurations files to the /usr directory. At the prompt type: + sudo cp -r usr/* /usrInstalling the plugin using RPM: o As root, enter in terminal: + # rpm -Uvh + Click Enter key and follow prompts
主要注意:将libflashlayer.so拷贝到 <BrowserPluginsLocation>
至于plugins的位置,在firfox上 help--Troubleshooting Information---open directory